Thursday 17 March 2016



Hello and welcome to my blog :) My name is Claude and i am a Developer for a Tech Company in South Africa. I am completely new to blogging so this will be my first attempt at trying to blog. I really hope you enjoy my future content!

As i stated above i'm from South Africa. An amazing, beautifully stunning country, a country that's been tainted by crime and corruption but hopefully not in this blog. I reside in Kwa-Zulu Natal, most commonly known as the Kingdom of the Zulu's. A place with beautiful weather (most of the time) and equally stunning views. Its where i was born and raised and its home to me. I haven't done much travelling out of my own country, but its definitely on my wishlist. 

I used to be an avid footballer (soccer player) but i got complacent and needed to concentrate on my future with regards to my job, which by the way i LOVE doing. 

My hope for this blog is to bring across non-sexist, non-racial content through the eyes of a man, through my own eyes, and i hope this blog allows me to shed some light upon some of the lesser known facts about not only myself but other men out there.

So sit back and enjoy :)